Touch Football Australia (TFA), New South Wales Touch Association (NSWTA) and Queensland Touch Football (QTF) have extended the temporary suspension of all community competitions until 1 June 2020.
TFA is committed to playing our part in ensuring an effective community-wide response to COVID-19. Throughout the crisis, TFA has been guided by Federal, State and Territory government health authorities and the advice of these experts continues to lead our decision-making.
With Prime Minister Morrison announcing that current restrictions will be in place for at least another four weeks, TFA, NSWTA and QTF collectively agree the correct course of action is to extend the current suspension of competitions until 1 June 2020.
As has been the case to date, we will continue to monitor this situation closely and will update members as soon as more information comes to hand. We are buoyed by the reduction in numbers of new COVID-19 cases and the positive impact that government restrictions have had on this pandemic and we are confident we will be back on the field sooner rather than later.
